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Now that Americans have had a chance to digest the political earthquakes of the last week and a half, a lot of conservatives are circling back to a major disappointment that, like most news, faded to the background when Donald Trump was shot ...

Houston Area Pastor Council leaders and pastors F.N. Williams Sr., F. N. Williams II, Willie Davis (now At Large City Council Pos. 2), Hernan Castano, and Dave Welch met with Houston Mayor John Whitmire as part of the launch of an exciting new phase for church/city relationship in the fourth largest city in America!

Exactly half of U.S. states now protect female sports from the intrusion of gender-confused males, while more than half of all states now protect minors from irreversible medical mutilation ...

I have attended about a half-dozen national conventions, Republican and Democratic, and watched at least a dozen more. And I can say two things: 1) They have all generally bored me. 2) The 2024 Republican National Convention didn’t ...

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk said he was "tricked" into giving consent for his child to go on puberty blockers, adding that he believes "the woke mind virus" figuratively killed his son ...

Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race today and endorsed his pro-abortion vice president Kamala Harris to take his place as the Democrat nominee ... Harris would fight tooth and nail to impose abortions up to birth on the country nationwide ...

The RNC Convention was not one of stiff suits. Instead, the speech docket mixed in youthful GOP leaders, cultural figures and pastors at any given time. The revised platform – hailed by Log Cabin Republicans, the pro-LGBTQ wing of the party – was confirmed at the convention ...

Senior U.S. Army officials said Thursday that training materials labeling prominent anti-abortion organizations as "terrorist groups" have been used for at least seven years ...

When disaster strikes, the first place many people go is to a church. In Sunnyside, that’s exactly what hundreds did in the days after Hurricane Beryl left well over two million Houstonians in the dark amid triple-digit heat index temperatures. At the First Missionary Baptist Church in Sunnyside, they were welcomed with open arms. However, it comes at a cost for the congregation ...

Andy Wine thinks most children can understand the Golden Rule ... it’s common sense, Wine said. That’s why the 43-year-old parent of two, who is an atheist, finds it appalling that the Texas Education Agency wants to incentivize public schools to teach the Golden Rule as a core value in the Bible ...

During election night coverage of the 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush and Albert Gore, Jr., CBS News’s Dan Rather had a field day with figures of speech ...

Former President Donald Trump announced Monday that he had selected Senator J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) as his vice presidential running mate, touching off rounds of praise and occasional statements of condemnation from the pro-life community ...

The controversial sculpture “Witness” by Shahzia Sikander, which is on display at the Cullen Family Plaza at the University of Houston (UH), was beheaded during Hurricane Beryl last week ...

An assassin’s bullet misses by an inch. Perhaps it determines the winner of an election. But if the bullet hits the mark, perhaps a nation descends into civil war. The historical impact is profound either way ...

On Sunday morning, Gregg Matte, senior pastor at Houston's First Baptist near Memorial Park, said he returned from sabbatical a week early because he believed the megachurch's "sheep and the shepherd needed to be together" in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl ...

California’s decline under a Democratic monopoly on power is not without its opposition. One of the most important opponents happens to be the best fast-food chain in the country. In-N-Out Burger is spending at least $500,000 in support of Proposition 36, the fruit of the labors of those in the state trying to repeal the pro-criminal Proposition 47 passed in 2014 ...

Army vet and Trump-backed U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown has worked to lighten his past stances on abortion and other issues as he runs against incumbent Democrat Jacky Rosen in a crucial battleground race in Nevada ...

The concept of safety is often a topic of conversation here in the state’s most populous city as we grapple with an array of public policy proposals to address flooding, traffic dangers, and crime. The latter was again thrust to the forefront last month with news of the brutal murder of ...

Let’s start with something so disgusting and immoral that it defies explanation. In fact, if it weren’t so well documented it might have fallen into the murky abyss of urban legend. But it’s absolutely true ...

On the red carpet, the film’s stars spoke to The Epoch Times about what drew them to their roles and the film’s important message of raising awareness about the foster care system in the United States ...

A nurse at the nation’s largest children’s hospital says doctors pressured parents to give their kids hormone therapy and other transgender medicine interventions — warning that their children might kill themselves if they held off on treatments ...

A Houston doctor has been indicted for obtaining the records of pediatric patients at Texas Children's Hospital who were not under his care and without authorization, according to U.S. Attorney Alamdar S. Hamdani ...

Thank you Dave Welch and the Texas Pastor Council team for helping me solve an issue in just two weeks that I’ve been dealing with for five months. I have been serving as a pastor in Beaumont TX since 1998. Jefferson Central Appraisal District decided in 2024 to overstep their boundaries by removing two of the church parsonage’s off of tax exemption after being exempt since 2006. After writing a letter, completing their questionnaire, as well as ...

An Ohio television station fired a longtime staffer after she posted a message on her personal Facebook page promoting heterosexual pride ...

A theme of the next few years will be the persecution of Catholic schools, Jewish schools, and all other religious schools that blend even a trace of traditional morality with their faith ...

On Tuesday, June 11, the Amarillo City Council voted 4 to 1 to reject the citizen-initiated “Sanctuary City for the Unborn” ordinance, both in its amended and original forms. Council Member Don Tipps was the only member to vote against rejecting the ordinance ...

A doctor has been indicted for allegedly violating HIPAA rules after exposing the continuation of chemical castration procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital. Eithan Haim is set to appear in court on Monday and is facing four felony counts for revealing that the institution was still performing ...

Since at least the COVID-related government shutdowns of 2020, Americans have been keenly aware of the Centers for Disease Control and its role in influencing public health policy, particularly regarding vaccines ...

A descendant of Protestant Reformer John Knox, Witherspoon was educated at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and afterwards served as a Presbyterian pastor. His writings brought him to the attention of the trustees of the College of New Jersey, who sent Benjamin Rush and Richard Stockton to Scotland to persuade him ...

Beverly LaHaye died quietly in April at the age of 96. She always said she hated the spotlight. And yet, in the 1980s and 1990s, she was one of the most visible and politically powerful women in the U.S. ...

My grandfather was born in 1869, four years after the Civil War. His father was a Confederate infantryman for four years. Virginia used to have courts like the one Trump is in in New York, southern confederate slave courts, no normal due process, arbitrary rules of procedure, and predetermined outcomes ...

A new study has revealed that roughly 10% to 27% of noncitizens living in the U.S. are illicitly registered to vote, which could result in up to 2.7 million illegal votes being cast in the November elections ...

The Texas state legislature now has enough votes to pass school choice initiatives after Tuesday's Republican primary runoff election, Gov. Greg Abbott said Tuesday night. "The Texas Legislature now has enough votes to pass school choice. This is a victory for every Texas family across our great state ..."

H. Edwin Young, senior pastor of Second Baptist in Houston, announced Sunday morning that he was resigning from his leadership post at the church, ending his 46-year tenure as one of America's most prominent, charismatic and high-profile pastors ...

Joe Biden successfully got another pro-life advocate thrown in prison for years today. Heather Idoni has been sentenced to 24 months in federal prison despite her lawyer begging for home detention due to Heather’s serious health issues. The sentence comes after Biden officials charged her with bogus charges for ...

Dallas ISD sought the advice of an LGBTQ-centered clinic on how to better enable “youth transitioning,” according to internal communications obtained in an open records request by The Dallas Express ...

Ididn’t think it was possible for anyone to be more despised by the teachers unions than Betsy DeVos, the former Education secretary and billionaire Republican donor who has devoted decades to promoting school choice. Yet, it seems Corey DeAngelis has taken on that mantle. And he’s loving it ...

A heralded Catholic football player defends traditional moral values at a Catholic college—how novel—and within no time he’s being bashed all over the place. Had he endorsed transgenderism, or Hamas, he would now be praised to high heaven ...

Meet Sherrel Lemon -- a very unconventional mom who got pregnant at 14. Her story will bring tears to your eyes and a smile to your heart. Lemon, who owns restaurant and bar Tipsy Treats, has been working since before she could drive ...

A medical negligence case recently decided by the Supreme Court of Texas also has implications for pro-life issues. “[S]ociety views a healthy child’s arrival as a net boon and a gift, not an injury for which to seek legal recompense,” Justice Rebeca Huddle wrote in her opinion ...

Four-term State Representative Shawn Thierry is ferociously fighting to keep her job - a battle for political survival triggered by a single vote of conscience on the floor of the Texas House ...

In a world marred by hatred and disunity, many young Americans are turning to the Bible to seek peace. According to Premiere Christian News, “A new report has revealed a growing number of young people in the US see the Bible as transformative to their lives ..."

With the heated anti-Semitism protests booming on college campuses, lawmakers, school authorities, and even average citizens are wrestling with how to deal with the chaos, hatred, and slander of Jewish people and the Jewish state ...

Most high school yearbooks feature club photos and class superlatives. Funniest Laugh. Most Likely to Succeed. But at Bellaire High School in Houston the yearbook dedicated a section to the Palestinians ...

Back in 1982, the Island Trees School Board wanted to remove some books from the district’s library because they deemed them inappropriate for an educational setting. However, a group of citizens, including high school student Stephen Pico, wished for the books to remain in the library ...

Who can forget President Joe Biden standing on a podium outside Independence Hall in September 2022? With ominous red lights glaring in the background, the president of the United States demonized approximately half the voters in the country and labeled them as a threat to ...

On Tuesday, Austin City Council members passed a resolution directing city personnel to not comply with a new state law that criminalizes gender-related services for children ...

Governor Abbott ... participated in a fireside chat to bring attention to Texas' efforts to increase adoption and foster care resources across the state to help children find their forever families at the CHOSEN Conference in Plano ...

Confounding scientific projections, the world’s birth rate is falling—enough that in the coming decades, the populations of nearly all Western countries could start falling with it. Today, the global average birth rate is around 2.2 children per woman ...

The City of Fort Worth Park and Recreation Department canceled an event at which a person who has “de-transitioned” was scheduled to speak. On April 20, Abel Garcia was set to speak at an event for the community sponsored by Latinos United for Conservative Action (LUCA) called “The Danger of Transgenderism” ...