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Texas 2024 Church Election Resources

Pastors, Let's Prepare for November 5 – Lead Voters To Not Become Weary!

Texas General Election on November 5, 2024 – GOTV!

“Maximizing Church Vote” Plan - 2024 Texas General Election

Note:  All activities are non-partisan, non-issues specific and fully compliant with all IRS guidelines for churches with 501 (c)(3) non-profit status.  For any questions regarding those guidelines you can go to or call 832-688-9166.

Sunday, September 8 through Sunday, October 6 - set up a VOTER REGISTRATION and INFORMATION table to be staffed by the FaithVotes Citizenship Ministry team to register all voters who are not current, have moved or have never registered; Deputy Voter Registrar’s available.  Deadline to submit new voter registrations is Monday, February 5.

Sunday, October 6 through Sunday, October 27 – Announce from pulpit and through all church communications the availability and convenience of Early Voting that begins Monday, October 21 and ends Friday, November 1.  Voters in Texas will have important county, legislative and federal contests to vote on, so ALL voters are “on duty”!

Voters can go to to find their voting location.  Harris County voters can go directly to 

Sunday, November 3 – Use Pulpit Announcements, Screens, Bulletins, etc. combined with video or sermon reference by the Senior Pastor urging ALL eligible voters to cast a prayerful, informed vote in the Primary Election AND attend their precinct convention.

Monday, November 4 and Tuesday, November 5 - Send a message via broadcast e-mail and/or text broadcast as well as on social media to church list with a special Get-Out-The-Vote message by the Senior Pastor and links to non-partisan voter education information. (Sample Text-based and HTML format messages available)

Monday, November 4 and Tuesday, November 5 - Initiate automated phone calls with a Get-Out-The-Vote script recorded by the Senior Pastor, calling through the entire church list on Election Day.  (Sample script and automated calling support available)

Why a Political Party’s Platform is to Them What the Bible is to the Church

In addition to casting a prayerful, informed vote for the Primary Election, a second and critical opportunity for citizens to have a profound influence is to attend the precinct (neighborhood) convention that will normally be held the evening of the Primary Election. A small percentage of voters have a major impact on the two major action items:  1) writing the party platform principles and 2) choosing state and national party leadership who will be responsible for enlisting and supporting candidates based on those principles.

Premise to Consider:  A political party’s platform is to the party what the Bible is to the Church – it declares core principles that provide an anchor to the collective actions, and is the baseline by which the voters of that party may hold the elected officials of that party accountable.

Find Your Area's Non-Partisan Voter Guide by iVoter!

Pastors and Elders:

Please download and use these resources as you believe helpful and appropriate in maximizing your churches' informed voter turnout.  Please contact us with requests for any additional information or resources and don't hesitate...that is why we are here!


The basic Texas Church Voter Mobilization Kit includes these Power Pastor Videos and much more (NOTE: These videos are from the 2022 election yet are powerful resources!)

Dr. Tony Evans (Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Dallas)

Dr. Jack Graham (Prestonwood Baptist Church, Plano)

Dr. Robert Jeffress (First Baptist Church, Dallas)

Dr. Steve Riggle (Grace Church, The Woodlands)

Dr. Ed Young (Second Baptist Church, Houston)

More videos coming!!

Example of 30 Second Biblical Voting Radio Spot - Romans 8

Additional Resources for Church Citizenship Ministries

Use this link to both verify a voter registration that is accurate and current or to register as a new voter. IMPORTANT: You should have your Texas Drivers License number available or you can check by name, county and date of birth.


Every christian votes in every election - by absence or action!

Additional Church Citizenship and Voting Resources: