Providing a Sound, Biblical Basis for Active Citizenship Ministry!
“We believe the Bible instructs us to build biblical churches and Christian lives, and not to try and force a secular community outside the church to do the same or legislate the same.” So wrote the senior pastor of a respected evangelical church in a Texas suburb responding to pastors and Christian leaders in Houston rising up in 2014 to oppose an ordinance that granted special legal status and protections to sexual behaviors clearly prohibited by Scripture and gender confusion. In that short excerpt and his lengthier blog posting, this pastor displayed an all-to-common pastoral perspective of Christian involvement in American civil government. Is he right, or were the hundreds of pastors of "every color, every corner" who stood together in Houston right - biblically?
Consider a few common questions that resonate from both pulpit and pew in America:
Is there a Biblical role of the individual believer regarding civil government in the United States of America as well as that of The Church as a body?
Is it true that we cannot “legislate morality?”
Is taking a pacifist position toward governing bodies at city, county, state and federal levels the more “righteous” and “compassionate” action?
Does “political involvement” harm the evangelistic efforts of individuals or churches?
Is it the pastor’s, individual believer’s or the church body’s “business” what happens at City Hall, the State Capitol or Washington D.C?
Should Christians vote and if so how should we choose people for government offices from the school board to the White House?
Without claiming to have all final and all-encompassing, Biblically-correct answers we will address these questions directly and challenge those who disagree to likewise defend their differences with a sound Biblical, legal and historical basis. The purpose of the IACC is to establish some basic parameters or presuppositions from Scripture and history for pastors so this vital ministry can be conducted in a way that honors Christ and brings real impact to our cities, state and nation!