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Texas Christian University offers drag queen class to explore ‘queer worldmaking’

Texas Christian University is offering a course on the "Queer Art of Drag," where students will be taught about "drag performance as an outlet for social critique, pedagogy, and queer worldmaking."

The course will be taught by Nino Testa, whose preferred pronouns are he/him when going by his name, but when wearing a dress and wig as the drag persona "Maria von Clapp" are she/her.

"The gender binary is enforced through compulsory norms, harassment, and violence in service of a white-cis-heteropatriarchy," the syllabus for the spring 2023 course says, adding that "theatricalizing gender" can expand "the possible queer worlds that we could inhabit."

Students will be given $100 each to purchase drag costumes. They are expected to create drag personas for themselves and perform in the Protestant school's annual drag show.

As part of the continued development of their drag persona, students will maintain a "drag worksheet," which asks them to ...