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Will Education Choice Momentum Continue in 2024?

National School Choice Week begins on Sunday, and this year, there’s much to celebrate. In 2023, the school choice movement made more progress expanding education options than ever before.

The Year of Education Freedom saw seven states pass new education choice policies and nine states expand existing choice policies. There are now nine states with universal education choice policies that offer education savings accounts or ESA-style options to every K-12 student in the state.

In 2024, that momentum is likely to continue as several states gear up to pass new or expanded education choice policies.

The Yellowhammer State has lagged relative to its neighbors in offering education choice. That could change this year as Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, has set an ambitious goal for the 2024 legislative session.

“My goal is for Alabama to be the most school choice-friendly state in the nation,” Ivey said on Alabama Public Television’s “Capitol Journal” in July. “I want us to have lots of school choices for our parents to choose from. We are working now, already, now, on a bill, an ESA bill, an education savings account bill, to present to ...