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DISASTER: Biden’s Border Crisis Causing Public Health Catastrophe

As if one pandemic wasn’t enough.

Dr. Ashwin Vasan, health commissioner of New York City, is waiving the white flag. Biden’s non-existent border policies are producing contagious diseases not seen for decades.(1)

A new disease in every bus of migrants

The 2,500,000 recorded migrant encounters at the US-Mexico border in 2023 represents a new all-time high.(2) These individuals come from 160 exotic countries, most with terrible healthcare standards.

Now, illegal immigrants are driving a resurgence of rare diseases once extinct in the US. A prime example is Polio: in 2022, a New York man was paralyzed by polio likely originating from another country… the last previous confirmed polio case in New York was in 1990.

Nationwide public health crisis as we head to the polls

Tuberculosis (TB), an airborne bacterial infection, has now been confirmed in every neighborhood in New York City, with 88% of cases in people born outside the US. Florida has seen a 21% increase in