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New Poll Shows Continued Conservative, Rising Rural Support for School Choice

The Texas Legislature was unable to pass school choice legislation in 2023 despite continued pressure and support from major political figures. New polling shows that public support remains high when it comes to school choice in the state.

The Texas Politics Project’s (TPP) new poll shows that when asked about “establishing a voucher, educational savings account (ESA), or other ‘school choice’ program in Texas,” respondents supported the proposition at 54 percent with just 32 percent opposed.

When the same question is broken down along partisan lines, the gap widens — 71 percent of Republicans support school choice compared to just 33 percent of Democrats. More than half of Democrats are opposed.

Those who identify as “extremely conservative” support school choice at 76 percent, “somewhat conservative" at 72 percent, and “lean conservative” at 55 percent. Those numbers are inverted on the other side of the aisle; ”extremely liberal” respondents supported ...