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Judge Rules Texas Lawsuit Can Go Forward, Planned Parenthood May Have to Pay $1.8 Billion Over Fraud

A judge has ruled that a lawsuit Texas filed against the nation’s biggest abortion business can move forward.

Texas officials have filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood saying that the abortion business filed millions in false Medicaid claims for which it improperly received taxpayer reimbursement. With the repayments, damages and fines, the abortion chain could face a $1.8 billion judgment.

I n 2021, a Texas judge allowed the state to defund Planned Parenthood and kick the abortion giant out of its state Medicaid program.

Medicaid is the largest stream of taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood, and, in Texas, that funding was supposed to be cut off in after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the state, agreeing that Texas can kick out Planned Parenthood from the program for violating the law. The decision to defund Planned Parenthood came after the abortion business was exposed selling the body parts of aborted babies.

Now, two years later, Texas wants to recover the taxpayer funds Planned Parenthood improperly received during that time period so they can be used to ...