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Churches urged to assist ballot collection efforts, voter education ahead of 2024 election

Christian and conservative advocacy organizations are urging churches to take an active role in voter outreach and ballot collection efforts with the 2024 presidential election just over a year away, saying they must take advantage of mail-in ballot laws even if the majority of them prefer to vote in person.

The term "ballot harvesting" has become a buzzphrase in recent years with the expansion of mail-in and absentee ballot voting, which became a more mainstream way to vote during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns.

"Ballot harvesting" describes the process in which a person, sometimes a paid political operative, collects absentee ballots en masse from voters and turns them in on their behalf. 

Although many conservatives were urged to vote in person during the 2020 presidential election in which Democrat President Joe Biden won, leading Christian and conservative activist organizations have given space at their annual conferences this year to stress the importance of evening the playing field by ...