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The Horrifying Reality of Child Porn and Its Enablers

Jane (not her real name) was 15 years old and lived in a small town in Indiana. Jane loved her parents and younger siblings. She was a solid student, not at the top of her class but still a good student. She was well-liked and well-rounded, and popular. One evening, she was walking home at dinnertime from a neighborhood friend’s house. Three older teenage boys stopped their car to talk with her. At knifepoint, they abducted her. When she resisted, they stabbed her. They took her to a nearby empty house. They spent the entire night raping her, taking turns. And she was beaten.  Early the next morning, they took her to the edge of town.  They threw her out of their car like a dead cat. A good Samaritan found her and took her to the hospital, where she was treated. All the appropriate rape tests were done. The police were called in. The older boys were caught and prosecuted. Two were minors. One was not. It took months before she was healthy enough to return to school. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually, she remained fragile.

Then her living nightmare got much worse. She noticed at school that the boys were looking at their mobile phones, acting strangely, and then looking at her. What she didn’t know then was that one of the older boys who raped her had made a video of the rape. He had uploaded the video to a website called Pornhub, where it was being viewed by thousands of visitors.

Another girl, Sarah (also not her real name), was also 15. She went on a date with an older man. She had some alcohol. She remembers waking up in a strange place but little else. She thinks she was given a date rape drug—either ketamine or Rohypnol.  She remembers nothing of what happened. Weeks went by. A mother of a friend called her mother with horrible information ...