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Fighting Back Only Way to Reverse Degradation of Culture

One of the truly brilliant accomplishments of the left in America is seizing important cultural chokepoints without conservatives noticing.

As we wrote earlier in the year, "The librarians of your childhood are long gone. Public and school libraries are now run by woke ideologues who are only interested in pushing leftist literature on impressionable children and young people."

Their mission is to groom children either ideologically or sexually — both equally harmful — without parents being aware of the interference in their children’s lives.

Head librarians and the staff feel delightfully cutting edge when sponsoring a drag queen story hour for toddlers and they fight tooth and nail against conservative, genuinely age-appropriate events for children that might also feature a dash of Christianity.

Kirk Cameron decided to fight back and wrote a children’s book described by the New York Post as, "an illustrated children’s book and part of a series that celebrates the positive qualities of kindness, joy, patience, compassion and other biblical values.

"The book is published by Brave Books as part of its ..."