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#BoycottDisney trends after Disney+ cartoon clip advocates for federal reparations, claims Lincoln did not 'free the slaves'

#BoycottDisney was trending on Twitter on Monday after a clip from the new "Proud Family" reboot went viral, showing a group of cartoon teens performing for their school. The characters blast the United States for having had slavery, institutionalized racism, and demands reparations for black Americans. The viral song does not mention the historic Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century. 

The performance begins with drumming and spoken word. "This country was built on slavery, which means slaves built this country. Tilled this land from sea to sea to sea. First it was rice, tobacco, sugarcane.

"Then [Eli] Whitney did his thing and cotton became king," the song continues. "And we were its soldiers, 4 million strong, fighting for America's freedoms even though we remained America's slaves," the 21st-century cartoon teens sing, anger on their faces.

"Slaves built this country, the descendants of slaves continue to build it. Slaves built this country. And we the descendants of slaves in America have earned reparations for their suffering, and continue to earn reparations every moment we spend submerged in a systemic prejudice, racism and ..."