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H-E-B and UT Sponsor Dinner ‘Celebrating’ LGBT Advocacy

H-E-B—Texas’ beloved grocery store chain—sponsored the Human Rights Campaign’s Austin Dinner fundraiser to the tune of $10,000. The Austin Dinner is an annual event for HRC, an organization dedicated to promoting, celebrating, and advancing the LGBT lifestyle.

According to HRC Austin, “Proceeds from our fundraiser will support [HRC’s] mission to help build a world that ensures equality for all people.”

Other sponsors for the evening included Dell Technologies, PNC Bank, Apple, Roscoe Property Management, and the University of Texas Athletics.

During the past year and under the guidance of H-E-B CEO Charles Butt, the grocery chain has also sponsored an “all-ages” drag show and an organization providing “gender identity counseling” for 9-year-olds.

Butt is also well known for supporting public education and opposing school choice (where parents, not the government, direct the education of their children).

Meanwhile, UT Athletics hosted its first-ever “pride night” earlier this week. According to the Texas Education Code, universities are governed by ...